Appointment Information
Here is everything you’ll need to know before your upcoming appointment with us.
Please follow the steps and let us know if there are any issues along the way!
If you have an online/telehealth consultation with us please click the button below for the information you’ll need for that.
1. New Client Form
If you are a new client keep an eye out for an email with our online form that you can fill out before you appointment, this allows us to prepare for your appointment and gives us more time in the actual appointment for getting you better! Please let us know if you don’t receive it. Sometimes they do end up in junk mail or under the “promotions” section if you are a Gmail user.
2. How to Find Us
Osborne Park
5/34 Sundercombe St, Osborne Park 6017
(Inside Range of Motion)
Parking: There is free parking in front of our building, please try to avoid parking in front of our neighbours if possible.
Enter through the glass front door where you will most likely be greeted by some of the friendly faces of the Range of Motion crew.
Have a seat in the waiting area and your Physio will come and find you here when it is time for your appointment.
The bathrooms are located to the right of the front door if required.
West Perth
1-3 Old Aberdeen Pl, West Perth 6005
(Inside Inner City Fitness)
Parking: There is plenty of free parking behind the gym off Cleaver St.
Enter through the teal door and have a seat in the waiting area where your Physio will come and get you when it is time for your appointment.
We don't have receptionists but the crew from Inner City will be able to help you if you need anything while you are waiting.
The bathrooms are also located through the yoga room, down the stairs and on the left if required.
2/320 Joondalup Dr, Joondalup 6027
(Inside Mobius Health and Performance)
Parking: There is plenty of free parking all around the gym.
Enter through the glass door on the Diesel Espresso side and have a seat in the cafe where your Physio will come and get you when it is time for your appointment. Grab a coffee from the lovely guys at Diesel if you have time!
The bathrooms are also located at the back of the gym, walk straight to the back around the Jiu Jitsu mats. Don’t be shy to ask for a point in the right direction if you need!
We don't have receptionists but the crew from Mobius/Diesel will be more than happy to help you if you need anything while you are waiting.
3. What to bring
Any relevant scans, doctor’s letters, or information relating to your condition.
Your private health card if you have one - we have Healthpoint available for on the spot claiming for most healthfunds. Please note we accept digital cards for most healthfunds through Medipass.
4. What to Wear
We recommend wearing training clothes, or something you can move in easily and allows us to see the affected area.
5. What should you expect from your Physiotherapy session?
6. Feedback after your session
We are always looking to improve your experience with us. After your session we would love if you could let us know what you think. Let us know what you liked, or what you think we could improve, using the form below. You may choose to stay anonymous.